Donate Securely Online
Donate by Mail - Checks should be mailed to: The Hemispherectomy Foundation - PO Box 1239 - Aledo, Texas 76008-1239

*You may specify if your gift is in honor, memory or celebration of someone.
Matching Gifts - Many companies offer matching gift programs that will double your donation value. Employer matching gift programs can stretch your charitable dollars, sometimes even doubling or tripling the amount you personally give. Check with your Human Resources Department to see if your gift to The Hemispherectomy Foundation is eligible. Then you can submit your employer’s matching gift form to us along with your donation. Please be sure to complete the entire donor/employee section.
Fundraising - There are many opportunities to help raise funds and increase awareness for The Hemi Foundation. Contact CrisHall@HemiFoundation.
Corporate Sponsorships - The Hemi Foundation partners with corporations whose goals and objectives strategically align with the Foundation's mission
to improve the quality of life for our members and their families. By working together, both organizations are able to accomplish their goals more effectively and efficiently. They also allow us to provide substantial programs and awareness. Please contact us if your organization is interested in partnering with us.
All donations are tax deductible and will be received by a patient who has had a hemispherectomy.
The Hemi Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization supported by individual and corporate gifts and grants. (Tax ID: 26-2864993)